Blackberry Season

24 08 2010

It is official, summer is ending.  Luckily, the end of summer always marks the perfect time for blackberries.  Whether you are enjoying them with breakfast (as pictured), in a bowl with ice cream, or in blackberry and peach cobbler, do not miss out on this delicious treat.  Berries are wonderful and healthy.  Eating such deliciousness makes me happy to be alive!

Summer Goodness

31 07 2009
Ripening Blackberries and Local Horse

Ripening Blackberries and Local Horse

On our trip to North Carolina, wild, mountain blackberries are slowly ripening, and I would imagine this horse will gladly partake when they are ready!  These berries are not ready for eating due to the cooler climates of the mountains, where as the berries down the mountain are packaged in crates and sold by the fistfuls.   I especially love the tart ones!